Designing Your Perfect Home GYM?
Are you tired of using sweaty or worn-out equipment of your local gym? Do you find yourself wasting time between sets while you anxiously wait for someone to finish using the machine or space? Is the time required for to travel to and from the gym taking away from the time you can devote to your workout? Are you tired of paying hefty monthly or annual gym fees and not getting your fair share? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions then it may be time to design your own gym. 3-D Fitness is one of few companies that make home gymdesign a special niche. Our creative approach - Design for Movement (DFM) has been a fruit of many years of experience, curiosity and love for athletic training. Here are a few things that you should consider before creating your home gym. 1. Budget We recommend that you purchase high quality equipment, which will last and ensure better quality training. Home gyms generally evolve with time unless you are willing to spe